Hi to all my blog visitors are located around the globe, overbearing wah already wrote when blogger beginner, tell the viewers already exist around the world, but it's okay, just in case if my blog later as well known and blog viewers I have covered the entire surface of this world
I decided to make a post About Me was inspired by professional bloggers who demanded and required to have a post or whatever form the author describes a blogs or websites, so, here we go.
My name is Nanda saputra Lubis, one who is still a student at a junior high school in Bogor, sitting in 3rd grade high school that will change over time, and the young man who was born on June 7, 1996, in the city of which he is proud of Medan , does not mean other cities are not good so I'm not proud, all cities in Indonesia and the world has advantages and disadvantages of each, in order to share all the knowledge I have to the world, to create a blog called SEMUANYA ADA DISINI .Sekian for yourself data me and if you want to get closer and get to know me please becoming one of my friends in the social networking that I've provided below, and
Please Enjoy All my Post.
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