
Widget What Normally Should There Blog


Oh bother her picky choosing any widgets that should be there in your blog just like me, as a novice blogger must diligently searching for any widget that can make your blog look professional, for your reference I'll add some widgets which normally should nothing to add professionalism appearance and performance of your blog, if anyone asks why in this blog widgets are not posted, it's individual taste, so if you want to just see and then post it on your blog.

1. Recent Post
In the Indonesian language can be interpreted loosely as the latest post. It must be, because the widget contains the last article was posted. You can adjust the amount as needed.
2. Recent Comment
Recent comments usually filled with comments last commentators in your post. You must install this because you like the respect commentators who have commented on your blog. The reader would love clicking the link Latest Comments for wanting to read the comments of others.
3. Latest Post
Popular Post is a collection of the most widely read post visitors. Determination of the widget is done automatically by the system based on the number of clicks or percentage of clicks.
4. Archives
Archive lest you do not plug in the side of the widget to your blog. This helps the reader to view the articles in the distant past. Older articles will keep them reading your other articles.
5. Categories
Category was head of your topic. By category allows the reader to find specific topics according to their interests.
6. Social Network
Now the time of facebook, twitter and other social networking. You can plug in the blog widget so you can connect with your readers through social networking sites that you.
7. Ads
Ads can also plug in your widget right / left. Space for advertising you can attach to earn income by 1001 monetize existing program. For wordpress, plugin ads like this are widely available.
There are seven widgets that you should put on your blog wings. Maybe you can add more as needed. Leave your comment if there are other enhancements.
8. Blogroll
Traded with the link between bloggers will strengthen your blog ranking. You can place a link of your friends or your blog links to another blog on the wing. The same thing they would do on their blog. The advantages to both parties.

A few of my

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